I'm a #qwitter
I’ve quit Twitter. Their big fuck you to independent developers really angers me, so I’m voting with my feet.
I’m currently mass-deleting all my tweets. Apparently, this takes some time, Twitter isn’t known for being fast.
@megalonyx is now an empty place-holder, a reminder of the old days, when people were still allowed to develop apps for Twitter without being told what those apps could do and had to look like. And my own, old Twitter app doesn’t work anymore, of course.
One thing I noticed when I started using Twitter: I posted less short posts on my blog. Twitter was good for quick, short, throw-away rants. Now I’m going to re-integrate those short rants into this blog again, using qwitter as a category. I’m curious if I’m able to stick to the 140 character limit, although it is now pointless.
However, this post isn’t restricted to 140 chars, although it’s placed into the qwitter-category.